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Hermes Birkin 42cm White Togo Leather_Silver Metal
Item Number:26091

Hermes Birkin 42cm White Togo Leather_Silver Metal-handbag replicas

List price: $324.00USD

Promotion price:$270.00USD

You save:$54.00USD
  • "It's not a bag: it's a fucking Birkin!" shrieks Samantha, in Sex and the City, when she attempts to use Lucy Liu's name to move up the legendary Hermes Birkin waiting list. What she means is this isn't a bag it's the ultimate fashion status symbol. The Birkin has been called the ¡®perfect' bag, i.e. once you get one you never want another. Er, is that handbag or Birkin?
  • The hardware is palladium. The bag can be carried by hand or on the arm. It can be used closed, open, or over-stuffed. The interior is done in complimentary Chevre Leather with one slide pocket and one zipper pocket. The bottom of the bag has four feet to protect it from wear.
  • Size: 16.5" x 9.1" x 7.9" (W42 x H23 x D20cm)
  • Appendix: lock,keys,clochette,2 sleepers for bag,and ribbon.
Hermes Birkin 42cm White Togo Leather_Silver Metal-1 Hermes Birkin 42cm White Togo Leather_Silver Metal-2 Hermes Birkin 42cm White Togo Leather_Silver Metal-3 Hermes Birkin 42cm White Togo Leather_Silver Metal-4 Hermes Birkin 42cm White Togo Leather_Silver Metal-5 Hermes Birkin 42cm White Togo Leather_Silver Metal-6 Hermes Birkin 42cm White Togo Leather_Silver Metal-7
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